1. Enter your First and Last Name:

2. Enter a valid email address:

3. Please provide your zip code.

4. Do you have one of the following wood-burning devices that you use for heat?

  • Free-standing wood stove
  • Wood-burning fireplace insert
  • Free-standing pellet stove
  • Pellet-burning fireplace insert
  • Open hearth fireplace

5. Applicant must be the owner of the residence where the wood heater will be replaced or decommissioned. Are you the homeowner (or applying on behalf of the homeowner)?

6. This program will only fund heat pumps or wood-burning device decommissions. Do you intend to do either:

  • Replace your wood burning device with an electric heat pump, or
  • Remove and decommission your wood-burning device?

And will you obtain a quote prior to applying?

7. Do you agree to pay the project costs directly and be reimbursed later?